
How to Check the PHP Version

How to Check the PHP Version

1. Type the following command, replacing [location] with the path to your PHP installation. 2. Typing php -v now shows the PHP version installed on your Windows system.

  1. What is current PHP version?
  2. How do I know my localhost PHP version?
  3. How do I find PHP version on Mac?
  4. How do I know if PHP is working?
  5. Why is PHP so bad?
  6. Is Python better than PHP?
  7. How do I enable PHP?
  8. What is my xampp PHP version?
  9. How can I update PHP version?
  10. How do I enable PHP on Mac?
  11. Is PHP installed on Mac?
  12. How do I upgrade PHP on Mac?

What is current PHP version?

W3Techs reports that, as of April 2021, "PHP is used by 79.2% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know."

Designed byRasmus Lerdorf
DeveloperThe PHP Development Team, Zend Technologies
First appeared1995
Stable release8.0.5 / 29 April 2021
Major implementations

How do I know my localhost PHP version?

  1. First open your cmd.
  2. Then go to php folder directory, Suppose your php folder is in xampp folder on your c drive. Your command would then be: cd c:\xampp\php.
  3. After that, check your version: php -v.

How do I find PHP version on Mac?

2 Answers

  1. Go to File > Preferences > User Settings > Settings.json.
  2. Change the value of php. validate. executablePath according to the installed directory of php7. "php.validate.executablePath": "/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.0.14/bin/php"
  3. Relaunch VM Code.

How do I know if PHP is working?

In a browser, go to www. [yoursite].com/test. php. If you see the code as you entered it, then your website cannot run PHP with the current host.

Why is PHP so bad?

Developers hate PHP because it's a technically inconsistent language with a bad design. When you compare it to other languages the contrast is obvious. ... It's very easy to make bad and insecure code with PHP. But PHP is not a security hole or doomed to ugly code if you code properly.

Is Python better than PHP?

Python is better in the long-term projects. PHP has a very low learning curve, and it is straightforward to get started with. Python uses indentation enforcements that are quite strict. This makes it more readable than PHP.

How do I enable PHP?

Install PHP

  1. Step 1: Download the PHP files. Get the latest PHP 8 x64 Thread Safe ZIP package from
  2. Step 2: Extract the files. ...
  3. Step 3: Configure php. ...
  4. Step 4: Add C:\php to the PATH environment variable. ...
  5. Step 5: Configure PHP as an Apache module. ...
  6. Step 6: Test a PHP file.

What is my xampp PHP version?

To verify this, browse to the URL http://localhost/xampp/phpinfo.php, which displays the output of the phpinfo() command, and check the version number at the top of the page.

How can I update PHP version?

Want to know your website's PHP version?

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. In the Software section, click the PHP Selector icon.
  3. Navigate to the directory of the website you wish to update the PHP. ...
  4. From the dropdown menu, select the version of PHP you want to use, then click Update.

How do I enable PHP on Mac?

Turn on PHP

  1. Open Terminal and type sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and press enter.
  2. Press Ctrl+W which will bring up a search.
  3. Search for php and press enter. ...
  4. Delete the # from #LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/
  5. Press Ctrl+O followed by Enter to save the change you just made.
  6. Press Ctrl+X to exit nano.

Is PHP installed on Mac?

Both PHP and Apache are free open source software programs and both come installed on all Macs.

How do I upgrade PHP on Mac?

The simplest way to update the version of php on Mac is via Homebrew. You might get an error if PHP 5.6 has not been installed by brew previously, but don't worry, you can simply continue.

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