
Find Which Package Contains Specific File on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Find Which Package Contains Specific File on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

You can easily find the name of the package which provides a specific file/executable on Ubuntu using apt-file. apt-file is available in the official package repository of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. So, it's very easy to install. To confirm the installation, press Y and then press <Enter>.

  1. How do I find out what package a file belongs to?
  2. How do I see what packages are installed on Ubuntu?
  3. Which package does a file belong to Ubuntu?
  4. Where is Package Manager in Ubuntu?
  5. How can you determine the RPM package that owns a file?
  6. Which Debian package installed a file?
  7. How do I find recently installed packages in Linux?
  8. How do I know what packages are installed on Debian?
  9. How do I see what packages are installed on zypper?
  10. What is apt-file?
  11. What is the equivalent of RPM in Ubuntu?
  12. How do I reinstall APT package?

How do I find out what package a file belongs to?

Show files per installed package

To show what files are in a package, use the rpm command. If you have the file name, you can turn this around and find the related package. The output will provide the package and its version. To just see the package name, use the –queryformat option.

How do I see what packages are installed on Ubuntu?

The procedure to list what packages are installed on Ubuntu:

  1. Open the terminal application or log in to the remote server using ssh (e.g. ssh user@sever-name )
  2. Run command apt list --installed to list all installed packages on Ubuntu.

Which package does a file belong to Ubuntu?

Other notable ways of finding the package a file belongs to is using the online search provided by Ubuntu and Debian: Ubuntu: - scroll down to Search the contents o packages and enter the filename you're looking for, as well as the distribution (Ubuntu version) and architecture.

Where is Package Manager in Ubuntu?

Since apt-get is a command-line utility, we will need to use the Ubuntu terminal. Select the system menu > Applications > System Tools > Terminal. Alternatively, you can use use the Ctrl + Alt + T keys to open Terminal.

How can you determine the RPM package that owns a file?

If you use the -f option when performing an rpm query:

The command will show the package that owns a file.

Which Debian package installed a file?

Debian or Ubuntu Linux commands to find out which package owns a file:

How do I find recently installed packages in Linux?

You can refer to the logs to see the recently installed packages. There are a couple of ways to do this. You can either use the dpkg command's log or the apt command's log. You'll have to use grep command to filter the result to list the installed packages only.

How do I know what packages are installed on Debian?

List Installed Packages with dpkg-query. dpkg-query is a command line that can be used to display information about packages listed in the dpkg database. The command will display a list of all installed packages including the packages versions, architecture, and a short description.

How do I see what packages are installed on zypper?

You can do this in YaST->Software Management, click on "View" and select "Repositories", select the "@System" repo (should be selected by default), and set the Secondary Filter to "Unmaintained Packages". Then only installed packages that are not in any repo are shown.

What is apt-file?

apt-file is a software package that indexes the contents of packages in your available repositories and allows you to search for a particular file among all available packages. ... You can use apt-file to quickly find out which package(s) you can install in order to satisfy that dependency.

What is the equivalent of RPM in Ubuntu?

Table of Equivalent Commands

TaskRed Hat/FedoraUbuntu
List documentation files in an installed packagerpm -qd package_name-
List configuration files in an installed packagerpm -qc package_namedpkg-query --show -f '$Conffiles\n' package_name
Show the packages a given package depends onrpm -qR package_nameapt-cache depends

How do I reinstall APT package?

Assuming that your apt-get seriously needs a reinstall, you can try following:

  1. Check your current apt-get version by apt-get --version .
  2. Search for the same version's . ...
  3. install it by dpkg -i filename. ...
  4. Of course, this unfortunately cannot work if you also removed the packeges on which apt depends, like libgcc1.

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